How are we (happily) different than any traditional diet/weight loss program?
The Mindful Eating Method vs. Diets/Restrictive Weight Loss Methods
Trains You to Listen to Your Body Gets you to ignore your body's hunger signals
Allows you to enjoy every meal Generates guilt around eating
The ONLY long term approach that is sustainable Fail in the long run in 95-98% of all cases
A return to enjoyable and balanced eating A restrictive and limited approach to eating
A lifetime approach to healthy weight A short term fix that is ineffective and frustrating
A flexible approach based upon body type A cookie cutter approach that doesn't work
Teaches you to overcome emotional eating Drives you towards emotional overeating
Leads to a healthy relationship with food Drives you towards emotional eating patterns
A natural approach to weight loss An artificial approach to weight loss
A flexible eating model and program A highly restrictive and rigid eating model
Teaches you to love and trust your body Generates distrust of your body
Gets to the root of emotional eating issues A bandaid on the origins of emotional eating
Creates freedom from food obsession Stimulates food compulsion and weight gain
Moderation style of eating Avoidance eating style
Celebrating and enjoying meal time Worrying over food choices and fighting urges
Want to Know EXACTLY what the program includes?
This video walks you through EVERYTHING in the training,
including a description of the audio programs that talk you out of overeating!
(You're going to LOVE these resources!)